Kundalini Sickness
In 2012 when I started to wake up, my youngest daughter started to as well. We started meditating and got to the point where we would meditate 2 hours every day. I noticed VERY strange things happening. It started with the feeling like water was dripping on my head and arms when there was no water. Then I felt pressure on my 3rd eye like someone was holding their thumb on it. Then it would pulse...like it had a heartbeat. After several months, my body felt light as a feather. I felt as if I glided instead of walked. Then another month later I started getting really hot during meditation, only, it was inside my body. At the same time, my daughter was having similar experiences, however, her experiences started to take a dive. She started seeing negative entities and became paranoid. It got to the point where she thought she was the devil and I was trying to poison her so she stopped eating and drinking. After 2 days I knew that I would have to have her committed or she would die from dehydration. Not being able to get through to her and having NO idea what kundalini was or what was happening to us, I thought maybe she had become possessed and we needed a priest. I took her to a Catholic church and as, no surprise, we were turned away. She was able to calm down a bit and stopped meditating. This made her symptoms disappear. I kept going but then stopped as well because I thought I was going to spontaneously combust! LOL I mean...it happens right? And no one knows why, so I thought maybe this was why!
In the end, through more research and studies, I learned about the kundalini and while what I was experiencing was normal, what my daughter was experiencing is known as Kundalini Sickness. This happens when the person awakens the kundalini and the kundalini energies begin to rise but encounter blockages in the chakras and go into the wrong passages.

Normally, kundalini energy should progress through the central (Sushumna) nadi in the spine. If kundalini energy is obstructed by blocked energy in the first three chakras, it moves up through the side nerves, either Pingala or Ida.
Neither of these is the correct way and neither reaches the crown of the head to enable the seventh chakra to open to receive the descending Kundalini. Descending and ascending together completes the energy circuit the awakened Kundalini uses to travel around the body via the nervous system, which must remain unobstructed for Kundalini to manage its work.
Kundalini energy flowing through the pingala or ida nadis creates this kundalini sickness. This is why it is so important to do your spiritual work because you never know when the kundalini will be activated. Healing and releasing old traumas and working on the negative ego is essential. Negative ego would be: anger, resentment, jealousy, depression, laziness, procrastination, loving drama, self harm etc. If the kundalini energy hits any of this in a chakra, it will amplify it by 20!!
As an example: When my kundalini started to rise, I developed a food addiction and I had no idea why. I found out later on during my awakening that I had starved to death in my last life and that trauma and wanting to overcompensate was still there- even though I had no idea.
What you want to do is to create balance. Bringing ida and pingala into equilibrium is a major focus of hatha yoga—so important, in fact, that the term hatha symbolizes this balance. Although the word hatha literally means "forceful" in Sanskrit, it is composed of ha and tha, two esoteric bija (seed) mantras that have arcane meaning and power. Ha represents the solar qualities, the vital force, of pingala; tha represents the mind and the lunar qualities of ida. Balancing sun and moon, or pingala and ida, facilitates the awakening and arising of kundalini, and thus the awakening of higher consciousness. In fact, some yoga teachings hold that as long as either ida or pingala predominates, sushumna stays closed and the power of kundalini lies dormant.
The most powerful method of balancing ida and pingala is Kechari Mudra- which is inserting your tongue into your throat.....I know...wtf? LOL! This was actually one of Jesus' teachings. The 7 seals are your chakra's and flipping your tongue back and into the throat and up towards the brain not only "unlocks" the 7 seals but it creates the electrical circuit in your body and directs kundalini energy into the crown chakra. This is also where you can drink from the "fountain of youth". When this is done, you no longer need food or water to live. I assure you, this is real and many people can do this. However, getting there (as in lengthening the tongue) is a slow and uncomfortable process. Thankfully, you can also do Nadi Shodhana, alternate-nostril breathing. This practice is effective because the ida nadi is directly connected to the left nostril, and the pingala nadi to the right. A few rounds of this basic Pranayama technique at the end of an asana practice are an excellent way to help restore equilibrium between the two nadis and to compensate for any imbalance you may have inadvertently caused during your practice.
How to Balance
To practice Nadi Shodhana, sit in a comfortable meditative position. Lightly place the thumb on your nose just to the right and below the bridge; lightly place your index finger on the corresponding flesh on the left side of your nose. Gently pressing with the index finger to close the left nostril, exhale fully through the right. Then inhale fully through the right, close it with the thumb, release the left nostril, and exhale through it. Inhale through the left nostril, close it with the fingers, release the right nostril, and exhale through it. This completes one round of Nadi Shodhana.
In addition to using Nadi Shodhana, you can experiment with using the asanas themselves as a method of balancing ida and pingala. At the beginning of a practice, sit and observe your breath to see which nostril—and, hence, which nadi—is dominant. (If you can't tell, try a few rounds of alternate-nostril breathing—it should be immediately clear which side is freer and which feels more inhibited). If the left nostril dominates, ida is in charge, and you might consider focusing your attention on invigorating asanas—such as backbends, standing poses, inversions, and twists—to engage the pingala nadi. If the right nostril dominates, the cooling, calming energy of seated poses and forward bends might be most beneficial.
You can also bring awareness of ida and pingala into any asana practice by pausing between poses to notice which nadi dominates your breathing. Notice your mind-states as well; you will find they closely correlate with which nadi is ascendant. Are you agitated and active (pingala-like) or calm and receptive (ida-like)? Through this checking-in process, you can begin to identify which poses activate one nadi or the other, and which are particularly effective—for you, at least—in creating physical and emotional equilibrium. You'll also be developing your awareness, deepening your practice, and clearing the way for your spiritual growth.
With Yoga, there are 84 Asanas (poses). Out of these 84, if you do 21 of them properly and master only 1 of them, your system will get aligned with the cosmic system. This will automatically balance you.
84 Asanas
Here is a video showing all 84. Pick 21 you are most comfortable with and do them daily.